.. image:: ../images/pVACfuse_logo_trans-bg_sm_v4b.png :align: right :alt: pVACfuse logo Prerequisites ============= Fusion detection and annotation ------------------------------- pVACfuse accepts two types of inputs, either an annotated bedpe file with fusion information from `INTEGRATE-Neo `_ or a output directory from `AGFusion `_ (recommended). AGFusion ________ AGFusion allows a user to annotate output files from several fusion callers using the ``agfusion batch`` command. The below example is for annotating the output from the STAR-Fusion caller but many other fusion callers are supported. For a full list see the `AGFusion documentation `_. .. code-block:: none agfusion batch \ -f \ -a starfusion \ -db agfusion.homo_sapiens.87.db \ - \ --middlestar \ --noncanonical The ``--middlestar`` flag is required in order to use the ouput with pVACfuse. This will indicate the fusion position in the fusion peptide sequence. The ``--noncanonical`` flag is optional and can be used to annotate the fusion with informations from all possible transcripts. By default only canonical transcripts are used. INTEGRATE-Neo _____________ Fusion detection will be preformed using `INTEGRATE `_ with annotations from `INTEGRATE-Neo `_. It should be possible to start with fusions from another caller, convert the output to bedpe format, annotate the bedpe with INTEGRATE-Neo and then feed these candidates into pVACfuse. 1. Align RNA with Tophat2 (a requirement of INTEGRATE) to obtain accepted_hits.bam and unmapped.bam 2. (OPTIONAL) Align WGS DNA with BWA aln/sampe (NOT MEM, a requirement of INTEGRATE) to obtain tumor.dna.bam and normal.dna.bam 3. Produce a gene annotations file with `gtfToGenePred `_ .. code-block:: none gtfToGenePred -genePredExt -geneNameAsName2 ref.gtf ref.genePred cut -f 1-10,12 ref.genePred > tmp.txt echo -e "#GRCh37.ensGene.name\tGRCh37.ensGene.chrom\tGRCh37.ensGene.strand\tGRCh37.ensGene.txStart\tGRCh37.ensGene.txEnd\tGRCh37.ensGene.cdsStart\tGRCh37.ensGene.cdsEnd\tGRCh37.ensGene.exonCount\tGRCh37.ensGene.exonStarts\tGRCh37.ensGene.exonEnds\tGRCh37.ensemblToGeneName.value" > annot.txt cat tmp.txt >> annot.txt 4. Run `INTEGRATE `_ to obtain fusions.bedpe .. code-block:: none Integrate fusion ref.fa annot.txt bwts accepted_hits.bam unmappeds.bam [tumor.dna.bam normal.dna.bam | tumor.dna.bam] 5. Run `INTEGRATE-Neo `_ to obtain annotated fusions bedpe file .. code-block:: none integrate-neo.py -t hla.optitype -f fusions.bedpe -r ref.fa -g ref.genePred -k .. <===== pVACfuse =====> pvacfuse run --net-chop-method cterm --netmhc-stab --iedb-install-directory IEDB_INSTALL_DIRECTORY -e 8,9,10,11 fusions.bedpe.annot sample HLA-A*29:02,HLA-A*29:02,HLA-B*08:01,HLA-B*45:01,HLA-C*07:01,HLA-C*06:02 NNalign NetMHC NetMHCIIpan NetMHCcons NetMHCpan PickPocket SMM SMMPMBEC SMMalign output_dir .. Describe how to install and run INTEGRATE-Neo .. Describe input file format