.. image:: ../images/pVACseq_logo_trans-bg_sm_v4b.png :align: right :alt: pVACseq logo .. _optional_downstream_analysis_tools_label: Optional Downstream Analysis Tools ================================== Generate Protein Fasta ---------------------- .. program-output:: pvacseq generate_protein_fasta -h .. .. argparse:: :module: lib.generate_protein_fasta :func: define_parser :prog: pvacseq generate_protein_fasta This tool will extract protein sequences surrounding supported protein altering variants in an input VCF file. One use case for this tool is to help select long peptides that contain short neoepitope candidates. For example, if pvacseq was run to predict nonamers (9-mers) that are good binders and the user wishes to select long peptide (e.g. 24-mer) sequences that contain the nonamer for synthesis or encoding in a DNA vector. The protein sequence extracted will correspond to the transcript sequence used in the annotated VCF. The alteration in the VCF (e.g. a somtic missense SNV) will be centered in the protein sequence returned (if possible). If the variant is near the beginning or end of the CDS, it will be as close to center as possible while returning the desired protein sequence length. If the variant causes a frameshift, the full downstream protein sequence will be returned unless the user specifies otherwise as described above. Generate Aggregated Report -------------------------- .. program-output:: pvacseq generate_aggregated_report -h This tool produces an aggregated version of the all_epitopes TSV. It finds the best-scoring (lowest binding affinity) epitope for each variant, and outputs additional binding affinity, expression, and coverage information for that epitope. It also gives information about the total number of well-scoring epitopes for each variant, the number of transcripts covered by those epitopes, as well as the HLA alleles that those epitopes are well-binding to. Lastly, the report will bin variants into tiers that offer suggestions as to the suitability of variants for use in vaccines. For a full definition of these tiers, see the pVACseq :ref:`output file documentation `.