.. image:: ../../images/pVACseq_logo_trans-bg_sm_v4b.png :align: right :alt: pVACseq logo Adding genotype sample information to your VCF ============================================== pVACseq was primarily designed for clinical application. As such, it requires that the input VCF contains sample genotype information (``GT`` field), which identifies whether or not a variant was called in a specific sample of interest. Some variant callers (e.g., Strelka), however, do not include this field. In other use cases you might want to run pVACseq on a list of variants of interest. If your input VCF does not contain sample information (i.e. no ``FORMAT`` column and/or sample column) or the ``FORMAT`` list does not contain a ``GT`` field, you will need to preprocess your VCF to add this information. This information can be added using the `VAtools `_ ``vcf-genotype-annotator``. Using the vcf-genotype-annotator to add genotype information to your VCF ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Installing the vcf-genotype-annotator ************************************* The ``vcf-genotype-annotator`` is part of the ``vatools`` package. Please visit `vatools.org `_ for more details on this package. You can install this package by running: .. code-block:: none pip install vatools Running the vcf-genotype-annotator ********************************** **Example vcf-genotype-annotator commands** .. code-block:: none vcf-genotype-annotator 0/1 -o The ``sample_name`` argument is used as the sample name in the ``#CHROM`` header of your VCF when adding a new sample with this tool. If you want to add a ``GT`` field to an existing sample in your VCF, this argument will need to match the name of that sample. Please see the `VAtools documentation `_ for more information.