Version 3.1 =========== Version 3.1.0 ------------- This release adds the following new features: - When running the pipelines with the ``--netmhc-stab`` flag enabled, the ``NetMHCstab allele`` column now also reports the distance of the NetMHCstabpan allele when that allele is not identical to the ``HLA Allele`` of the original result. - When running the pipelines with a set of individual class II alleles, the pipeline now also auto-generates valid combinations of these alleles so that users no longer need to explicitly provide these combinations. This release also fixes the following problem(s): - Some class I alleles are not supported by NetMHCstabpan and will lead to an error when attempt to make predictions with them. This release will skip such alleles for the stability prediction step. - For very large result sets the filtering steps would stall or be killed because the steps would run out of memory. This release fixes this issue. - This release adds better handling of timeout errors while running Version 3.1.1 ------------- This is a bugfix release. It fixes the following problem(s): - The ``--exclude-NAs`` flag was not being passed along correctly to the main pipeline and didn't have any effect on downstream filtering. - The aggregate report creation step had some inefficiencies which caused its runtime to be much longer than necessary. NetMHCstabpan and/or NetChop. - An unneeded import statement for the PyVCF package had the potential to cause errors while running the pVACseq pipeline. Version 3.1.2 ------------- This is a bugfix release. It fixes the following problem(s): - It fixes an issue with parsing class II IEDB output files when running pVACfuse or pVACbind, which resulted in the wrong binding prediction scores being associated with certain epitopes. - It adds missing import statements to pVACvector. Version 3.1.3 ------------- This is a bugfix release. It fixes the following problem(s): - It fixes an issue with the reference proteome match step where stop lost mutations would throw a fatal error.