.. image:: ../images/pVACview_logo_trans-bg_sm_v4b.png :align: right :alt: pVACview logo .. _pvacview_prerequisites: .. raw:: html .. role:: large .. role:: bold Prerequisites -------------- In order to launch the pVACview R shiny application, you will need to have R/ R studio and a list of R packages correctly installed. Once launched, pVACview will require you to upload your corresponding input files for analysis. Alternatively, there is also a demo dataset that can be loaded to explore basic features of the app. An online version of pVACview is also available at `pvacview.org `_. :bold:`Please note that you will need internet connection for pVACview, as it needs to download necessary datasets including both the demo data and anchor calculations.` Installing R/ R studio ____________________________ In order to use pVACview, you will need to download R. Please refer `here `_ for downloading R (version 3.5 and above required). You may also take the additional step of `downloading R studio `_ if you are not familiar with launching R Shiny from the command line. Additionally, there are a number of packages you will need to install in your R/R studio, instructions are provided below: .. code-block:: none install.packages("shiny", dependencies=TRUE) install.packages("ggplot2", dependencies=TRUE) install.packages("DT", dependencies=TRUE) install.packages("reshape2", dependencies=TRUE) install.packages("jsonlite", dependencies=TRUE) install.packages("tibble", dependencies=TRUE) install.packages("tidyr", dependencies=TRUE) install.packages("plyr", dependencies=TRUE) install.packages("dplyr", dependencies=TRUE) install.packages("shinydashboard", dependencies=TRUE) install.packages("shinydashboardPlus", dependencies=TRUE) install.packages("fresh", dependencies=TRUE) install.packages("shinycssloaders", dependencies=TRUE) install.packages("RCurl", dependencies=TRUE) install.packages("curl", dependencies=TRUE) install.packages("string", dependencies=TRUE) install.packages("shinycssloaders", dependencies=TRUE) install.packages("plotly", dependencies=TRUE) install.packages("shinyWidgets", dependencies=TRUE) install.packages("colourpicker", dependencies=TRUE) Note that certain R packages may have further dependencies that require additional installation. If you are using R studio, these should be automatically installed for you during the respective package installation process. However, if you are using conda-based R, you may need to install them manually (usually by running ``install.packages()``). .. _launching_pvacview_label: Launching pVACview R Shiny App ______________________________ Once you have R packages and their respective dependencies successfully installed, you may now launch the pVACview app. The pVACview R files are distributed with every pVACseq run. They can be found in the ``MHC_Class_I`` and/or ``MHC_Class_II`` subdirectories,depending on whether you run Class I, Class II, or both. .. role:: large :large:`Option 1:` We've added a convenient shortcut command to launch pVACview from the command line: ``pvacview run``. .. code-block:: none pvacview run ~/pVACseq_output/MHC_Class_I This will serve the pVACview app to ````, which you can open up in your browser of choice (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, etc.). :large:`Option 2:` You can also start pVACview directly with R. .. code-block:: none R -e "shiny::runApp('~/pVACseq_output/MHC_Class_I/', port=3333)" This will serve the pVACview app to ````, which you can open up in your browser of choice (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, etc.). :large:`Option 3:` Alternatively, you can run R studio and open the file ``app.R`` located in your pVACseq output folder. In your R studio interface, on the top right, you should see a ``runApp`` button and upon clicking pVACview will be launched. You may also run the following line in R studio console to achieve the same result: .. code-block:: none runApp() This will automatically launch a browser window from R studio, where the local port is specified on the top left corner (you can also find it in the R studio console e.g. ``Listening on``). To ensure full functionality, you should take the local port address and launch it in a browser of your choice (e.g. Chrome, firefox etc).