.. image:: ../images/pVACvector_logo_trans-bg_sm_v4b.png :align: right :alt: pVACvector logo .. _pvacvector_run: Usage ==================================== .. warning:: Using a local IEDB installation is strongly recommended for larger datasets or when the making predictions for many alleles, epitope lengths, or prediction algorithms. More information on how to install IEDB locally can be found on the :ref:`Installation ` page. It may be necessary to explore the parameter space a bit when running pVACvector. As binding predictions for some sites vary substantially across algorithms, the most conservative settings may result in no valid paths, often due to one "outlier" prediction. Carefully choosing which predictors to run may help ameliorate this issue as well. In general, setting a lower binding threshold (e.g., 500nM) and using the median binding value (``--top-score-metric median``) will lead to greater possibility of a design, while more conservative settings of 1000nM and lowest/best binding value (``--top-score-metric lowest``) will give more confidence that there are no junctional neoepitopes. Our current recommendation is to run pVACvector several different ways, and choose the path resulting from the most conservative set of parameters. .. program-output:: pvacvector run -h .. .. argparse:: :module: tools.pvacvector.run :func: define_parser :prog: pvacvector run