Getting Started¶
pVACseq provides a set of example data to show the expected input and output files. You can download the data set by running the pvacseq download_example_data
The example data output can be reproduced by running the following command:
pvacseq run \
<example_data_dir>/annotated.expression.vcf.gz \
HLA-A*29:02,HLA-B*45:01,DRB1*04:05 \
all \
<output_dir> \
-e1 8,9,10 \
-e2 15 \
--normal-sample-name HCC1395_NORMAL_DNA
A detailed description of all command options can be found on the Usage page.
Running pVACseq using Docker¶
Versioned Docker containers for pVACtools are available on DockerHub using the
griffithlab/pvactools repo.
The Docker container contains pVACtools as well as installations of the
standalone IEDB MHC Class I and Class II software and all other supported prediction
algorithms (MHCflurry, MHCnuggets, BigMHC, and DeepImmuno). Standalone IEDB is installed at
(--iedb-install-directory /opt/iedb
After installing Docker you can start an interactive Docker instance by running the following command:
docker run -it griffithlab/pvactools
Version-specific images are available and can be run like so:
docker run -it griffithlab/pvactools:<version>
In order to have access to your local data inside of the Docker container you
will need to mount a local volume inside of the container. This is done using
the -v
flag. For example, you can mount your
in your container like so:
docker run -v /local/path/to/example_data_dir:/pvactools_example_data -it griffithlab/pvactools
This will mount the example_data_dir
inside the container as the
directory. When you are inside of the container
you will now have access to all of the data that was inside of the
from the /pvaseq_example_data
You will need to do the same thing for your /local/path/to/output_dir
so that any output
written by pVACseq will be accessible from your machine outside of your Docker
docker run -v /local/path/to/example_data_dir:/pvacseq_example_data -v /local/path/to/output_dir:/pvacseq_output_data -it griffithlab/pvactools
You can now run your pVACseq command like so:
pvacseq run \
/pvacseq_example_data/input.vcf \
HLA-A*29:02,HLA-B*45:01,DRB1*04:05 \
all \
/pvacseq_output_data \
-e1 8,9,10 \
-e2 15 \
--normal-sample-name HCC1395_NORMAL_DNA
--iedb-install-directory /opt/iedb
The output from your pVACseq run can be found under /pvacseq_output_data
inside of the container and /local/path/to/output_dir
on your local
The above example command makes use of the installations of the IEDB software in the container (--iedb-install-directory /opt/iedb